Shredded Fried Skipjack d’Lira


Shredded Fried Skipjack d’Lira (Abon Ikan Cakalang d'Lira) is made from fresh skipjack fish, combined with selected spices. Does not use MSG or Food Preservatives. It has a dry, non-greasy texture.

Shredded Fried Skipjack d’Lira is Natural, high quality and nutritious. Halal, Ready to Eat, Delicious, Practical, economical and durable. It is packaged in a Food Grade plastic bottle and environmentally friendly. Sealed Aluminium Foil, so that the quality of Shredded Fried Skipjack d’Lira is more guaranteed.

 It has a shelf life of 12 months (one year) at room temperature. Shredded Fried skipjack d’Lira has savory taste


BMKN Surabaya


Jl. Molopatodu No. 166, Desa Dulamayo, Kec. Bongomeme, Kab. Gorontalo


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